
Today the Web is connected not only with billions of devices, but also relies on distributed programming and seamless integration with social media, e-commerce, mapping and many other Web services.

It may be easy to set up your own blog, update your social media profiles or even set up a basic online shop with a choice of themes, but sometimes you need a reliable professional coder who can add the custom features you need without either breaking the bank or reinventing the wheel.

We provide impartial and objective Web consultancy for any project you may have. If we know of a viable existing solution that can save you time, money and maintenance worries, we may just offer custom theming and user experience.



I beaver away in the background on the technical aspects of Web applications, so others can focus on content and design. As a full-stack developer, I work on integrating your business ideas with a plethora of Web services using common open-source technologies. While many Web services let you build your Web presence with a user-friendly interface, sooner or later you'll encounter a mission-critical feature that requires some technical expertise and you face the choice between astronomical agency rates or a consultant who can explain the most cost-effective and future-proof solutions.

  • Integration with third-party e-commerce systems such as Shopify or Ecwid
  • Customisation of content management systems
  • Bespoke Progessive Web applications
  • Adaptive and response design
  • Web Consulting


Over the last 18 years I've worked with a wide range of frontend and backend technologies that power the modern Web. 

  • Server-side development, with Node JS and Rust with a hint of PHP and Python..
  • High-performance database backends with MongoDB, Postgres and MySQL.
  • API development for mobile apps.
  • Integration with third-party Web services
  • Advanced modern Javascript/Typescript for progressive data-driven Web apps built with React or Vue. 
  • Integration with cloud content management and e-commerce systems or opens-source solutions such as Payload or Drupal.


I've been working in the Web development business for over 15 years working with a mix of backend and front-end technologies for a range private and public sector clients. I've played a leading role in the following projects:

  • Postcode Explorer

    Sole developer (2020). Lets you quickly locate any UK postcode on an OpenLayers map, explore neighbouring postcodes and view street addresses merged with extra information. The original Node JS backend, developed in 2020 has been rewritten in Rust to fetch and store data from multiple public Web services. The core data sets come from two local databases with over 2.6 million postcodes and 1 millions localities. Some extra data outside the UK provided via Geonames.org.

  • GeoTimeZone

    This showcases two high-performance Web services, developed by Multifacted, to match any location in the world with its current or historical time zones, sunrise and sunset times, moon phases, ascendant and planetary longitudes. It's also a handy way to convert unix time with normal localised date/time notation. It uses the same geographic database as the postcode explorer.

  • Astro UI

    This showcases some of the many features of the AstroCalc engine, which I built in Rust for a new dating app. It shows detailed planetary positions and transitions (e.g. sunrise and sunset) as seen from any location on Earth at any time in the last 400 years and over the next few centuries.

  • RCA 2020-24 Student Art  Shows

    The frontend site, built with Gatsby and powered by React. presented artworks as images, animations and videos, collected via a secure student upload form and interfacing with multiple Web services such as Cloudinary and a bespoke backend datastore. It also has a staff administration area and uses Azure AD for authentication. Other technologies used include Typescript, Mongodb and Vue 2.6 (admin area).

  • New Contemporaries Art Competition

    React-based submission form with more extensive admin and review section.

  • Gavin Turk

    NextJs frontend with a Drupal 10 content management system/

  • Edinburgh University: Data, Culture & Society

    Rapid Drupal 8 build with a custom theme (2019)

  • Gavin Turk Egg

    Another art competition site, this time with a React-based frontend with images uploaded by authenticated users to Cloudinary.

  • Fitzroy and Finn Workshop Editions

    Simple online shop with Vue frontend integrated with a Wordpress backend

  • Nikki Blustin Design

    Lead fullstack developer. The Site behaves as a Progressive Web App using the Vue framework with a Drupal 8 content server (2018)

  • Greater London Authority

    Lead developer with a small team, involving a major data migration (2012-13) and integration of multiple microsites. The upgraded platform based on Drupal 7 has served the GLA for 7 years. 

  • Macro Advisory Partners

    Lead frontend developer using Drupal 7 and backbone for single page application behaviour (2016)

  • Cell Projects

    Lead frontend developer, upgraded from an earlier version of Drupal and using many of the features pioneered for Macro Advisory Partners (2017)

As parts of a larger team, I have contributed to the infrastructure for these sites:

I have worked with everything from HTML, stylesheets and Javascript with extensive Browser and usability to testing to backend applications, content management and e-commerce systems that interface with databases and third party services.


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This site only stores cookies for the Cookie Compliance popup. However, we use local storage to cache content and remember user preferences. We do not capture any confidential information or track users unless you choose to contact us, in which case your message is forwarded both to us and to your contact email. 

Client-side scripting only serves to enhance user experience and to validate the contact form. In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we will not store any contact details without your express consent.

Company No. 7650727

15 Fairley Court, Cairneyhill, Dunfermline, KY12 8UT, Scotland